The God Who Offers Rest and Assurance

Jun 16, 2024    Todd Friel

Do you ever wrestle with assurance of salvation? Does it seem to you there's something you must be doing to satisfy God, to convince Him you're really worthy of being saved? Or maybe you're convinced God couldn't possibly want you because you're sure your not worthy of being saved. If assurance of salvation is elusive and always slipping through your hands, you're not alone.

This lack of assurance is almost always tied to one thing - a failure to rightly understand the Law/Gospel distinction. We, as evangelicals, tend to blur the line between the Law and the Gospel and often times have trouble resting in the Good News of Jesus because we're not sure what to do with the Law. The Good News is Good News because Jesus has completely satisfied the Law in His perfect obedience of it. Because Jesus fulfilled the Law, we (those of us who are in Him) don't have to - we get to.

Here more about this amazing Savior and His perfect obedience in this message on Matthew 11:25-30